Zim-Mixers are a viable tool for countless industries throughout the world. Units can be custom designed to meet almost any application. Due to our patented chain delivery system, Zim-Mixers provide the lowest maintenance costs in the volumetric industry. They also allow control of scheduling, management of costs and eliminate waste. The most common are listed below:
Zim-Mixers are being used world-wide to produce concrete for the construction industry. They are used for foundations, slabs, walls, bridges, dams, roadways, airports and railroads. Contractors use our units to control the quantity and quality of the materials, as well as costs of labor and scheduling. The Zim-Mixer greatly reduces the material costs, as the exact amount needed is produced. The issue of “hot” loads is eliminated because the materials are made fresh on site. Labor costs are significantly cut by controlling man hours.
Since the ‘80’s federal, state and local government agencies procured and utilized the Zim-Mixer for numerous applications and reasons.
• Federal – Airport rehabilitation, war zone repairs and disaster relief missions.
• State – Bridge deck replacement and road repair.
• Local – Sidewalk/curb replacement, installation of handicap access points, emergency repairs, utility cuts and sinkhole filling with controlled low strength.
The Zim-Mixer is the perfect solution for a precast operation. It provides quality high performance concrete, allowing polycarboxylate admixtures to be used for SCC (self-consolidating concrete). The exact amount of material is be produced, eliminating waste in this very competitive market and ensures that each mold filled will have exactly the same mix. Units may be skid, trailer, or truck mounted. Skid mounted units can be configured for electric motors, further reducing costs.
The ideal machine for the retail market is the Zim-Mixer. It has been used to supply concrete to do-it-your-selfers and farmers for everything from mailboxes to barn floors. Small contractors have been using Zim-Mixers for driveways, patios and pool installations. Zim-Mixers offer the perfect solution for stamped and colored concrete work.
Zim-Mixers are used to supply latex modified, rapid setting, Iowa low slump, roller compacted, DOT, pervious, soil stabilization concretes. Many other materials; fly ash, slag, silica fume, and other pozzolans may be blended into the mix design. Many of these applications require the use of Zim-Mixers, since they cannot be produced by the ready-mix method.